Light-emitting diode (LED) street lights
We have invested in a central management system that automatically informs us of faults with street lights that have been converted to LED, such as:
- not coming on at night
- or staying on all day
- as well as issues with power levels that may make the light appear dimmer than usual.
Report a problem
We aim to repair street light problem within 10 days, but it can take longer where specialised traffic management is needed.
Sometimes the fault will be with the electricity supply, in these cases we notify Western Power Distribution and the repair can take up to 4 weeks.
If the fault relates to one of the issues mentioned above, please allow 5 days before you report it. If you see a problem with an illuminated sign or a street light that has had a fault for more than 5 days you can report it to us.
Use the online form to report problems with street lights, including:
- lamp out
- lamp too dim
- lamp lit during day
- column leaning
- lamp obstructed by tree
Report a street light problem
Report a problem with an illuminated road sign, such as:
- sign is half on
- sign is off or not working
- sign is damaged or vandalised
Report a sign problem
If it is an emergency and relating to a road traffic incident, please call the police.
If you are reporting an incident that could cause serious harm or poses an imminent risk to health and safety, outside the hours of 8:30am-4:30pm Monday to Friday, including Bank Holidays, please call 07860 569137 - this mobile number is not available during office hours.
Part night lighting
We use part night lighting, where some lights are switched off between midnight and 5.30am. This helps reduce energy costs, carbon emissions and light pollution. Regular reviews with police have shown that, as a whole, part night lighting has not increased crime or road traffic collisions.